prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Justyna Kobylarczyk
dr inż. arch. Marta Urbańska, prof. PK
Tytuł pracy
Rehabilitation Center in Slovakia
Jednostka dyplomująca
Katedra Kształtowania Środowiska Mieszkaniowego A-3
Opis idei projektu
The subject of my investigation is a building with contemporary rehabilitation space connected to the natural environment. The main motive in the selection of the diploma project was primarily to take into account various aspects, for example, broadening my range of experience and enriching myself with information related to the design development of health centers, since currently many people suffer from various health problems caused by the covid situation or difficulties caused by the age of the person in question. The main goal of this project was the creation of a rehabilitation center that meets various requirements, such as functionality, sustainable solutions, easy accessibility, whether for health-impaired people with various mental or physical disabilities and of course taking into account the patients’ comfort and adequate medical care.The geographical localization of the proposed project is in Oravice which is a settlement in the north of Slovakia, within close range of the Polish border.Oravice is special in that there is a high occurrence of thermal springs, whichcontributed to building a fully functional rehabilitation center in this location.The rehabilitation center consists of two floors. The ground and first floors are divided into three main zones, namely the healthcare zone, administration zone, accommodation zone together with SPA zone.