Katarzyna Adamska


Dr hab. inż. arch. Jolanta Sroczyńska, prof. PK


Prof. dr hab. inż. arch. Ewa Stachura

Tytuł pracy

The Brick Wave. Halotheraphy and seawater desalination centre. Reconstruction and adaptation of the lighthouse in Świnoujście

Jednostka dyplomująca

Katedra Historii Architektury i Konserwacji Zabytków A-1

Opis idei projektu

The thesis focuses on the concept of adapting and rebuilding the lighthouse in Świnoujście as the tallest brick structure of its kind in the world. The aim of the project is to give the structure: the function of a seawater desalination centre in the face of the world’s drinking water shortage crisis. The recovered sea salt will be used to create a space for salt treatment – halotherapy – and a space for popularising the architecture of lighthouses in Poland. This work thoroughly penetrate the process of desalination of seawater and how salt functions as a treatment element. The marine environment, the trajectory of the marine transport route and the function of the gas port at no great distance, is analysed. The architectural form itself makes use of the topography of the site. The cube „salt” forms are arranged in two directions: towards the Baltic Sea and the Trymerski Basin. The main form is a cube made of white clinker brick, with a gabled roof, but diagonally, which allows the façade to refer to the contour of a sea wave and grains of salt.